See’s Candy: Maybe the Most Delicious Thing Ever

Apparently us kids have led a sheltered life. Sure we’ve heard bad words, seen an R-rated movie and encountered a bit of the internet. None of that prepared us for the majesty of See’s Candy.

A couple weeks back, dad spied one near the movie theater and decided we were grown up enough to experience it for ourselves.

seescandyYou walk in and they literally hand you rich truffles (not mushroom kinds, but the chocolate variety,) to chow down on while you’re deciding.

From there you can pick from the stacks of stuff stuffed around the store in boxes, or head up to the counter to pick out your own individual choco-treats to satisfy your individual taste.

We shopped 50% with our eyes and 50% by the free sample they gave us. All in all it was an amazing trip and one us kids will surely beg the parentals to take us back to wherever we see the sign.

You can find out more and find a complete list of locations at And when you go, tell them you’re there. I bet they give you a free sample just for that.

Watch our video review

1 Comment on See’s Candy: Maybe the Most Delicious Thing Ever

  1. You’re just find this out now? I’ve been a fan for 30 years. They’re plain awesome.

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