Where the “Ginger” actually comes from… SPOILER: It’s not where you think

I love gingers, and not in some ironic faux sympathetic way like “oh, they have no souls, isn’t that funny, I should marry one and have ginger babies!”

This video debunks some common myths. For example, did you know that gingers are born of the earth, not man nor beast?

No, my compassion runs deeper, and I love both my ginger wife and our ginger boy, and I am NOT saying that because they can hear my thoughts, and have tapped into the wifi.

Watch the video now

No, they’re the best. Not just handsome or pretty, but also capable of crushing the skull of an adult squirrel with their bare hands, just to send a message, just to remind us who is really in control.

And I’m not saying you should RUN at a time like RIGHT NOW, and I certainly wouldn’t say THEY ARE WATCHING YOU… but you know what you need to do.

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