If You Had Your Life to do Over Again (comic)

If you had your whole life to do over again, what would you do differently? Would you never agree to date that woman who turned out to be your evil ex-wife? Would you not have children? Would you have refrained from dumping a steaming mess in your boss’s trash can after the Christmas party?

We can’t go back, but we can imagine what it would be like, had we such an opportunity. And best of all, moving forward, we can live our lives as if that’s our new reality.

life-to-do-over2Words from this point on are just filler, so I guess I’ll reference a well-aged episode of Crossballs when Jerry Minor mirrored my current thoughts in episode 16… I like potatoes (girls on film.)

Check out all my comics, many even before they run, at GlossyNews.com/c.


1 Comment on If You Had Your Life to do Over Again (comic)

  1. I’ve pondered this question before. Hyperbole was NOT the answer I came up with. Might have more to do with my ex than that.

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